Venice Sign lit by Matthew Modine with Al Jardine performing

The annual Venice sign lighting with holiday colors took place this evening on Windward Avenue just across Pacific from the actual sign.

The party started at 6 with musical performances by among others, the Kenneth Brian Band and Beach Boys co-founder Al Jardine performing hits like “Help me Rhonda”, “Surfin USA” and “Barbara Ann” among others.

Al Jardine with the Kenneth Brian band at the sign lighting
Al Jardine with the Kenneth Brian band at the sign lighting
Beach Boys co-founder Al Jardine
Beach Boys co-founder Al Jardine
Kenneth Brian from the Kenneth Brian band
Kenneth Brian from the Kenneth Brian band
A view of the snowflakes projected on the "Mao's kitchen' wall
A view of the snowflakes projected on the “Mao’s kitchen’ wall
Al Jardine
Al Jardine
Al Jardine receives an award from the City of Los Angeles
Al Jardine receives an award from the City of Los Angeles
Councilman Mike boning hands the microphone to local actor Matthew Modine for the sign lighting ceremony
Councilman Mike Bonin hands the microphone to local actor Matthew Modine for the sign lighting ceremony

The Sign lighting ceremony this year was handled by local movie star Matthew Modine, who did an excellent job flicking the switch to turn the lights on.

Matthew Modine is getting ready to light the sign
Matthew Modine is getting ready to light the sign
Venice sign is lit in Holiday Colors once again
Venice sign is lit in Holiday Colors once again
A look at the crowd and the lit sign
A look at the crowd and the lit sign
More Holiday Cheers from Venice, the Christmas lights are up on Grand Canal
More Holiday Cheers from Venice, the Christmas lights are up on Grand Canal
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