There are nuisance birds flocking on sidewalks and other public areas in Venice and Santa Monica – they are the “Bird” electric scooters, not animal birds. The real – live birds are generally welcomed by most residents.
These birds are the result of a so called “disruptor” and much like others in that game, they start without proper licenses and with no other focus than to make a quick “buck”. In the cause of this they risk other peoples well being and in some instances even peoples lives may be at risk. To ride any motorized vehicle in the state of California some basic requirements are that you have to wear a helmet, have a valid drivers license and to obey ll traffic laws including not riding on sidewalks and areas meant for pedestrians only – common sense, right? Another adverse effect is to all legitimate rental businesses that rent bicycles and other modes of transportation along the bike path and in both Santa Monica and Venice in general, they have seen a drop in business after the nuisance birds arrived.

The police in Santa Monica has started issuing fines to riders, and the can get very costly – no license, driving on sidewalks, not wearing a helmet etc. etc. the fines can amount to hundreds of dollars.
The LAPD need to step up enforcement in general – as it is there are problems with regular bicycles coming down Ocean Front Walk, sometimes narrowly avoiding crashing into pedestrians walking on the “Boardwalk” LAPD need to start enforcing the municipal codes that bans all vehicles and on Ocean Front Walk – please note that running in parallel with OFW is the Bike path which is meant for bicycles, so there is no reason whatsoever other than stupidity to ride your bicycle on Ocean Front Walk.