Tonight was the last Tonight show with Jay Leno coming out of Burbank California. Johnny Carson moved the show to Burbank from New York city in May 1972 and jokingly talked about the new location as “Beautiful downtown Burbank”. The show will now move back to New York to be hosted by Jimmy Fallon.
The show was of course the spectacle you could expect, and more. 22 years is a long time and there were plenty of things and events to draw from in the opening monologue. Jay saying he would now sign up for ‘Obamacare’ (Health insurance through the Affordable Care Act) was maybe the biggest surprise… I suppose he saw the light, finally…
Jay had many of his ‘friends’ visiting, among them Billy Crystal, Garth Brooks and ‘other friends’ including taped messages from Steve Carrell, Kevin Bacon, Bob Costas swigging Jim Beam, President Obama offering the Ambassadorship on Antarctica, Bill Maher, Matt Damon, Miley Cyrus denting his car… Mark Wahlberg being himself. Dana Carvey was a favorite and Charlie Sheen of course. Martha Stewart was being sultry… and Jimmy Fallon had the last word in that segment.
Billy Crystal had a few surprises planned for Jay Leno in the form of a number of guests performing a piece inspired by the Von Trapp family in the sound of music, including Carol Burnett, Sheryl Crow, Jack Black, Kim Kardashian, Oprah Winfrey and others – nothing too exciting really.
Garth Brooks performed what Jay Leno called one of his favorite songs, wearing a “Garth Brooks World Tour hat” instead of a Cowboy hat…
Kevin Eubanks, the regular musical director/band leader was not present, he was on tour in France according to Leno.
Jay teared up at the end while thanking everyone, it was quite emotional. He quoted Johnny Carson, by saying “I bid you all a heartfelt goodbye”.
As Dennis Miller would say “That’s the news and – I’m outta here”. Let’s see if it sticks this time around… See ya at the Rock Store Jay.