Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía - Madrid Spain
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía – Madrid Spain
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía - Madrid Spain
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía – Madrid Spain

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía – a.k.a. “The Sofia” in Madrid Spain is a combination of old and new buildings. It was based on an old hospital building that6 was rebuilt and a new part was added. The museum was inaugurated in 1992 and it was named after the Spanish Queen Sofia. The museum focuses mainly on Spanish art (it is the national Spanish museum for 20:th century art). The two Spanish masters of the 20:th century Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali are well represented and one of the big draws is Picasso’s “Guernica”. At the time of our visit in August 2017 there was a temporary exhibit of “Pity & terror – Picasso’s path to Guernica”, which apart from Guernica itself had many other paintings that illustrated how Picasso got to painting Guernica.

Do not be fooled by the label ‘focus on Spanish art’ because there is also a treasure of art from all around the world, the collection is extensive.

Sculpture garden that has a great Alexander Calder piece on view.
The Sabatini garden has a great Alexander Calder piece on view.
Alexander Calder piece in the garden.
“Carmen” by Alexander Calder piece in the Sabatini garden.

If you plan on visiting more than one museum of the Museo Nacional’s in Spain an annual card might make sense, it can be bought at the ticket office and the cost in August 2017 is €36.06 and that give you entry to a list of museums across Spain for a year, follow this link to see the list.

Oiseau lunaire - "Moonbird" Joan Miró (1893-1983) in the Sabatini garden
Oiseau lunaire – “Moonbird” 1966, Joan Miró (1893-1983) in the Sabatini garden.
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