Cemetière Père Lachaise is much more than Jim Morrison & Edith Piaf
Dora was a “subcamp” of the Buchenwald concentration camp in Nazi Germany. The focus of the camp was to supply labor for digging tunnels at the V2 rocket factory as many as 20,000 of the total of 60,000 in the camp were killed.
If you go to visit the cemetery in Paris where Jim Morrison and many other celebrities are buried, I suggest that you also take a look around in other places and you might discover some very powerful and emotional markers for people and time in history that we all need to keep in mind.
SachsenauA memorial for the Spanish nationals that died fighting in WWII
GravesCrowds at James Douglas Morrison’s final resting placeJames Douglas Morrison’s final resting placeMadame “Lamboukas” Edith Pia